Saturday, August 1, 2015

{ Online Quiz } Important Questions for General Studies - 81

In this Quiz covered for Previous TNPSC Original Questions and selected for important Questions. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best.

  1. Which of the following is Not relavent to catabolism?
    1.  Glycolysis
    2.  Krebs cycle
    3.  Calvin Cycle
    4.  Oxidative Phosphorylation

  2. Which of the following fungus produce basidospore?
    1.  Apsergillus
    2.  Mucor
    3.  Peziza
    4.  Agaricus

  3. Corpora cardiaca are the priciple neurohaemal organs situated posterior the ?
    1.  Brain
    2.  Heart
    3.  Kidneys
    4.  Adrenal Gland

  4. Which of the following hormone is secreted by acidophilic cells?
    1.  Thyroid stimulating hormone
    2.  Follicle stimulating hormone
    3.  Luteinizing hormone
    4. Growth hormone

  5. Centrioles are involved in?
    1.  Storage
    2.  Energy transfer
    3.  Protein synthesis
    4.  Cell division

  6. Peristalsis is?
    1.  Absorption of food materials
    2. Muscular contraction of alimentary canal
    3.  Elimination of Waste
    4.  Reabsorption of water

  7. Size of a nucleus depends on ?
    1.  Number of neutrons
    2.  Number of protons
    3.  Number of nucleons
    4.  Number of nucleons and electrons

  8. Worlds first intelligent knife is used to detect?
    1.  Thyroid disease
    2.  Kidney disease
    3.  Tuberculosis
    4. Cancer

  9. The first session the constituent assembly was presided over by?
    1.  Dr.Rajendra Prasad
    2.  Dr.B.R. Ambedkar
    3. Dr.Sachithananda Sinha
    4.  Jawaharlal Nehru

  10. In which assembly election to constituency in Tamil Nadu Voters used NOTA option in EVM's for the first time?
    1. Tirumangalam
    2.  Pennagaram
    3.  Nilakottai
    4.  Yercaud

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