Monday, June 8, 2015

Social Science Mock Test - 86 for TNPSC

  1. The UNO was established in year of ?
    1.  1944
    2.  1947
    3.  1945
    4.  1984

  2. The NTBT was signed in the year of ?
    1.  1987
    2.  1977
    3.  1966
    4.  1963

  3. The WHO (World Health Organisation located in?
    1.  Geneva
    2.  Rome
    3.  New york
    4.  Hague

  4. When was Mrs.Vijayalakshmi Pandit elected as the president of the UN General Assembly?
    1.  1955
    2.  1948
    3.  1956
    4.  1953

  5. Arya Samaj was Started by whom?
    1.  Raviprakash
    2.  Sri Narayana Guru
    3.  Rajaram Mohanroy
    4.  Swami Dayanandha Saraswathi

  6. EURO Currency came in the year of?
    1.  2003
    2.  2002
    3.  2004
    4.  None of the above

  7. Who was the Governor General of British India in the time of great revolt of 1857?
    1.  Lord Dalhousie
    2.  Lord Wellesley
    3.  Lord Cunning
    4.  None of the above

  8. Who was the first Law Minister of India?
    1.  Hans Raj Khanna
    2.  Shanti Bhushan 
    3.  Ashoke Kumar Sern
    4.  Dr.B.R.Ambedkar

  9. When was the Vernacular Press Act passed?
    1.  1858
    2.  1848
    3.  1878
    4.  None of the above

  10. When was the August offer announced?
    1.  1915
    2.  1937
    3.  1945
    4.  1940

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