Friday, June 19, 2015

General Studies Mock Test - 11 Indian National Movement for TNPSC

  1. When was founded in National Indian Association by Mary Carpenter?
    1. 1867
    2.  1868
    3.  1895
    4.  1887

  2. Madras Mahajana Sabha formed in the year of?
    1.  1885
    2. 1884
    3.  1886
    4.  1871

  3. Anandmath wrote by Bakim Chandra Chatterjee. When it was Publisehed?
    1.  1887
    2.  1885
    3. 1882
    4.  1880

  4. The British East India Company was established in the year of?
    1. 1600
    2.  1601
    3.  1602
    4.  1605

  5. The Venacular Press Act and Arms Act came in the year of ?
    1.  1879
    2.  1882
    3.  1881
    4.  1878

  6. When was All India National Conference merged with Congress?
    1.  1885
    2. 1886
    3.  1888
    4.  1896

  7. When was established Indian National Congress by A.O.Hume?
    1.  1886
    2.  1887
    3.  1888
    4.  1885

  8. The Ilbert Bill came in the year of ?
    1.  1882
    2.  1885
    3.  1886
    4. 1883

  9. The Biography of Hume was published in the year of?
    1.  1910
    2.  1912
    3. 1913
    4.  1914

  10. When was the session of INC met at Calcutta?
    1.  December,1885
    2.  Decmber 1886
    3.  October 1887
    4.  November 1888

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