Friday, June 19, 2015

General Studies Mock Test - 12 Indian History for TNPSC (Group-I,Group-II,Group-IV)

  1. Tripitaka are the sacred books of the ?
    1.  Hindus
    2.  Jain
    3. Buddhists
    4.  Christian

  2. The famous Chinese pilgrim Fa-hien visited India during the reign of ?
    1.  Chandragupta I
    2.  Ramagupta
    3.  Srigupta
    4. Chandragupta II

  3. Megasthenes visited India during the reign of?
    1. Chandragupta Mourya
    2.  Harsha
    3.  Srigupta
    4.  None of the above

  4. The most important kingdom in Deccan and central India after the Mauryas was that?
    1.  Vakatakas
    2.  Nayakas
    3.  Pandiyas
    4. Satavahanas

  5. What is correct for mentioned of Samudragupta's Achivement?
    1.  16th Edict
    2.  Hathigumpha Edict
    3.  Kaling Edict
    4.  Allahabad Prasasti

  6. Mehasthenes was the ambassador of which kingdom?
    1.  Alexander
    2. Selucus
    3.  Darius
    4.  None of the above

  7. Elaphanta caves and temples reflect to which religion?
    1.  Vaishnavite
    2.  Budha
    3.  Shaivite
    4.  Hindus

  8. The Principal patrons of the Gandhara art were the?
    1.  Mughals
    2.  Mauryas
    3.  Satavahanas
    4. Sakas and Kushanas

  9. The largest stupa at 'Sanchi is assignable to the period of the ?
    1.  Guptas
    2.  Mughals
    3. Mauryas
    4.  None of the above

  10. The Great king,Seleucus I Nicator, was a contemporary of?
    1.  Bindusara
    2.  Pushyamitra
    3.  Ashoka
    4.  Chandragupta Maurya

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