Sunday, June 21, 2015

General Studies Mock Test - 14 History Mock Test for TNPSC

  1. The kinds of slaves mentioned by Narada is
    1.  5
    2.  9
    3. 15
    4.  18

  2. Who was the founder of the Ligayat Sect?
    1.  Kalhana
    2.  Appar
    3.  Sankara
    4. Basavanna

  3. Which symbol was used by the Pallavas?
    1.  Trident and Lingam
    2.  Bull and Lingam
    3.  Elephant and Lion
    4.  Fish and Bird

  4. The first session of All India Trade Union Congress was presided over  by whom?
    1.  M N Roy
    2.  M N Joshi
    3.  Jotiba Phule
    4. Lala Lajpat Rai

  5. Who Introduced the Bengal Chemical Swadeshi Stores during the Swadeshi Movement?
    1.  Anandmohan Bose
    2.  C N Basu
    3.  Rabindra Nath Tagore
    4.  P C Ray

  6. Who was the first Muslim president of the INC?
    1.  M A Jinnah
    2.  Rahimulla Sayani
    3.  Ajmal Khan
    4.  None of the above

  7. Who committed the most daring murder of Sir Curzon Wyllie in 1970 at a public meeting in London?
    1.  S C Das
    2.  Sardar Amer Singh
    3.  M L Dhingra
    4.  Sardar Ajit Singh

  8. Quit India movement was adopted by the INC at 
    1.  Haddapser
    2.  Nagpur
    3.  Pune
    4.  Bombay

  9. The first use to which wheel was put, appears to have been
    1.  spinning
    2.  pottery
    3. drawing a craft
    4.  None of the above

  10. Who assumed the title 'Vikramaditya'?
    1. Samudragupta
    2.  Ashoka
    3.  Chola
    4.  Chandragupta II

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