Friday, June 12, 2015

General Studies Mock Test - 6 for TNPSC

  1. Barac Obama belongs to which state?
    1.  New York
    2.  Los Angels
    3.  Illinois
    4.  Washington

  2. Where was India's first computer installed?
    1.  Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
    2.  Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
    3.  National Library, Kolkata
    4.  Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

  3. The World Classical Conference was held at?
    1.   Coimbatore
    2.   Chennai
    3.   Madurai
    4.   Kolalampure

  4. Fuel cells are used in?
    1.  Aircrafts
    2.  Electric Locomative
    3.  Submarines
    4.  Space crafts

  5. The Rajive Gandhi Udayami Mitra Yojana was launched in?
    1.  2001
    2.  2007
    3.  2006
    4.  2009

  6. The Electorial list with photograph is introduced in Tamil Nadu?
    1.  2005
    2.  2006
    3.  2001
    4.  None of the above

  7. The motto of the 2011 census?
    1.  Baalsya moolam vigyanam
    2.  Ever onward
    3.  Our Census; our future
    4.  None of the above

  8. In 2011 'Jasmine Revolution' was orginated from?
    1.  Italy
    2.  France
    3.  Canada
    4.  Tunisia

  9. World AIDS Day is observed on?
    1.  First January
    2.  First June
    3.  First December
    4.  None of the above

  10. Structural and functional unit of kindney is?
    1. Glomerulus
    2.  Loop of Henle
    3.  Malpighian body
    4.  Nephron

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