Thursday, June 11, 2015

General Studies Mock Test - 3 for TNPSC

  1. With which country, India signed Power Trade Agreement of October 21,2014?
    1.  Sri Lanka
    2.  Pakistan
    3.  Nepal
    4.  Myanmer

  2. Philip Hughes, the criketar met with the fatal tragedy on the field in Novermber 2014 held at?
    1.   Mirsapur, Bangaladesh
    2.   Chennai, India  
    3.   Eden Gardens, England
    4.   Adelaide Oval, Australia

  3. Who is associated with, Save the Childhood Movement?
    1.  Kailash Satyarthi
    2.  Malala Yousafzai
    3.  Kiran Bedi
    4.  Chandi Prasad Bhatt

  4. The Minimum Wages Act was enacted in the year?
    1.  2000
    2.  1988
    3.  1978
    4.  1948

  5. Umbrella Revolution of September 2014 speaks about the situation in?
    1.  Nigeria
    2.  Malasia
    3.  Syria
    4.  Hong Kong

  6. The Campaign which will culminate on the 150th birth centenary of Mahatma Gandhi, 2019 is ?
    1.  Kiran
    2.  Clean India
    3.  Chalein Saath Saath
    4.  None of the above

  7. The Headquarters of the International Fund for Agricultural Development ?
    1.  Geneva
    2.  Paris
    3.  Rome
    4.  New York

  8. Galena is ?
    1.  An Oxide ore
    2.  A Halide ore
    3.  A Carbonate ore
    4.  A Sulphide ore

  9. Which is correctly matched?
    1.  Moplah Rebellion - 1922
    2.  Vellore Mutiny - 1805
    3.  The Santhal's Rebellion - 1855
    4.   Barrackpore Sepoys Mutiny - 1803

  10. 12th India-Asian Summit held at?
    1.  Indonesia
    2.  Phillipines
    3.  Thailand
    4.  Myanmar

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