Friday, June 26, 2015

General Studies for Science Mock Test 22 for TNPSC, TRB-TET, UPSC,SSC EXAM

  1. Citrus fruits are rich in?
    1.  Fats
    2.  Proteins
    3. Vitamin C
    4.  Starch

  2. Deficiency of which minerals causes rickets?
    1.  Sodium
    2.  Iron
    3.  Pottacium
    4.  Calcium

  3. What is caused by the deficiency of water in the body?
    1.  Dehydration
    2.  Goitre
    3.  Anaemia
    4.  Osteoporosis

  4. Deficiency of which minerals causes goitre?
    1.  Sodium
    2.  Iodin
    3.  Pottacium
    4.  Iron

  5. Which minerals is rquiered for the formation of haemoglobin?
    1.  Iron
    2.  Sodium
    3.  Zinc
    4.  None of the above

  6. Deficiency of which minerals causes night blindness?
    1.  Vitamin C
    2.  Vitamin A
    3.  Vitamin B
    4.  Vitamin B12

  7. A mixture of sand and water can be separated using?
    1.  Threshing
    2.  Winnowing
    3. Sedimentation
    4.  Sieving

  8. Which of the following is a plant fibre?
    1.  Nylon
    2.  Rayon
    3.  Silk
    4.  Silk Cotton

  9. Which Indian hand-woven cloth is made from cotton?
    1.  Leather
    2.  Wool
    3.  Khadi
    4.  Coir

  10. Which type of soil is best for growing Cotton?
    1.  Red Soil
    2.  Grey Soil
    3.  Brown Soil
    4.  Black Soil

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