Sunday, April 26, 2015

Important Questions in Paper-I for the NET Examination

1.Which of the following is / are needless element of report writing?
  1. Research Methodology
  2. Reference
  3. Conclusion
  4. None of the above
2.The maximum content present in human body is
  1. plasma
  2. water
  3. vitamins
  4. proteins
3.Chemically hormone insulin is 
  1. fat
  2. protein
  3. lactic acid
  4. peptic acid
4. What is a testing hypothesis?
  1. Inferential statistics
  2. Descriptive statistics
  3. Data preparation
  4. Data analysis
5. Which of the following is correct related to the statement " there is a possibility of the  application of  projective techniques for exploratory investigation"?
  1. true
  2. false
  3. may be 
  4. yet to be study
6.What is the major purpose of doing any research?
  1. To identify problem
  2. To find the solution
  3. To get high salary and fame
  4. Both a and b
7.Which of the following is the operation of processing each element in the list? 
  1. Sorting
  2. Merging
  3. Traversal
  4. Inserting
8. The method that can be applicable for collecting qualitative data is 
  1. Visual
  2. People
  3. Textual
  4. All of these
9.Which among the following is a waxy, luminous & translucent poison?
  1. Cobra venom
  2. Cyanide
  3. Yellow phosphorous
  4. Sodium pentaoxide
10.What is the period of 2 sin x cos x?
  1.  4 pi 2
  2.  2 pi
  3.  4 pi
  4.  pi
  1. Answer : 4
  2. Answer : 1
  3. Answer : 2
  4. Answer : 1
  5. Answer : 1
  6. Answer : 4
  7. Answer : 3
  8. Answer : 4
  9. Answer : 3
  10. Answer : 4

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