Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Useful Questions for competitive exams

1) The whole area of Harappan culture represents a-
  1. circular area
  2. square area
  3. zigzag formation
  4. triangular area
     Answer : (4)

2) The most common materials used for the Harappan stone sculptures are
  1. Hard stone
  2. Hard stone and white marble
  3. soft limestone and steatite
  4. granite
     Answer :(3)

3) Which one of the following processes was used in the manufacture of Harappan seals ?
  1. Punching
  2. Moulding
  3. Casting
  4. Cutting
     Answer :(4)

4) Which one of the following metals made its earliest appearance in India before any other place in the world?
  1. Copper
  2. Gold
  3. Tin
  4. Silver
    Answer :(1)

5) In weighing, the Harappans commonly used
  1. 9 and its multiples
  2. 10 and its multiples
  3. 16 and its multiples
  4.  4 and its multiples
      Answer :(3)

6) Which of following ruling dynasties has not been mentioned in the Sangam litrature?
  1. Kadamba
  2. Chera
  3. Chola
  4. Pandya
Answer :(1)

7) The vedangas consist of
  1. Kalpa, Siksha, Nerukta, Vykarana, Chandas, Jyotisha
  2. Kalpa, Siksha, Brahmana, Vykarana, Chandas, Jyotisha
  3. Kalpa, Siksha, Nerukta, Aranyaka, Chandas, Jyotisha
  4. Kalpa, Upanishad, Nerukta, Aranyaka
Answer :(1)

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