Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Useful questions for Competitive Exams

1.How many States are there in the Union of India?
  1. 22 
  2. 24 
  3. 26
  4. 28

    2.Which is the largest State(in area) in India?
    1. Madhya Pradesh
    2. Uttar Pradesh
    3. Maharashtra
    4. Rajasthan

    3.What is the minimum strength of a State Legislative Assembly?
    1. 40
    2. 60
    3. 50
    4. 70

    4.Which of the following is not a Union Territory?
    1. Lakshadweep
    2. Delhi
    3. Manipur
    4. Daman and Diu

    5.Who is the first President of India to be elected unopposed?
    1. Dr. Radhakrishnan
    2. N. Sanjiva Reddi
    3. V.V.Giri
    4. Dr.Rajendra Prasad

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