Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Tirupati
(An Autonomous Institution of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Mentored By
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road,
Pashan, Pune 411 008
Name of the Post
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor
- Professor: Rs.48000 + AGB 10500 + DA 107 (Pay Band-4)
- Associate Professor: Rs.42800 + AGB 9500 + DA 107 (Pay Band-4)
- Assistant Professor: Rs.30000 + AGB 8000 + DA 107 (Pay Band-3)
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Curriculum vitae, including list of publications
- 3-4 page write-up on future research plans and a short write-up on teaching interests and philosophy
- Names and addresses, including the e-mail addresses, of academic referees at least 4 for Mathematics, Physics, Earth and Climate Science and at least 6 for Biology and Chemistry
- completed application summary form
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates should be downloaded the application form through the Institute website and may send their filled application form along with related documents to the concerned address.
For More details please see the following Website Link
1. Institute Website Link:
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Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Tirupati Invited for the Post of Professor
TNPSC Master
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