1. Which one of the following engine has the maximum Carnot cycle
- Steam engine
- well lubricated engine
- reversible engine
- irreversible engine
- electronic polarization
- ionic polarization
- space charge polarization
- none of the above
3. what should be the coefficient of discharge of an orifice-meter than that of a venturimeter
- much small than
- extremely higher than
- equal to
- both (2) & (3)
4. The second law of thermodynamics supports
- heat can not be transferred from low temperature to high temperature source without the help of external energy
- heat can not be transferred from low temperature to high temperature source if COP of process is more than unity
- heat can not be transferred from low temperature to high temperature source by using refrigeration cycle
- heat can not be transferred from low temperature to high temperature source by constant temperature cycle
- its a ratio of the laplace transform of the system response to the laplace transform of the system input function
- its a ratio of the laplace transform of the system response to the laplace transform of the system output function
- its laplace transform of the system response plus laplace transform of the system input function
- its laplace transform of the system response minus laplace transform of the system input function
6.Which one of the following property is possessed by a real practical fluid
- viscosity
- compressibility
- weight density
- specific volume
7. Among which of the following the correct definition of displacement thickness stands
- the layer which represent the entropy
- the layer which represent reduction in momentum
- the distance measured perpendicular to the boundary by which the free stream is displaced in order to have a formation of boundary layer
- the distance measured perpendicular to the boundary by which the free stream is displaced in order to prevent the formation of boundary layer
- flow rate
- pressure
- viscosity
- none of the above
9.Let us consider that the radius of the earth were to shrink by 1%. But the mass remaining will remain same and the acceleration due to gravity on the earth’s surface would
- decrease by 11.65%
- remain unchanged
- increase by 2%
- will increase by 12.8%
- H S Onnnes
- H K Onnes
- Kirchoff
- Tolman
Answer (1) : 3
Answer (2) : 2
Answer (3) : 1
Answer (4) : 3
Answer (5) : 1
Answer (6) : 2
Answer (7) : 3
Answer (8) : 1
Answer (9) : 3
Answer (10) : 2
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Important Question for Competitive Exams
TNPSC Master
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