Saturday, April 25, 2015

Important Questions based on General Science for the Competitive Exams

1.Hormones are called as chemical messenger because of
  1. their excited action
  2. its aliphatic nature
  3. its static action
  4. none of the above
2.Which one of the following is related to Ethers
  1. tetrapole movement
  2. tripole movement
  3. dipole movement
  4. none of the above
3. Reason for energy losses in actual transformer
  1. Joule heating
  2. Flux leakage
  3. Eddy current 
  4. All of the above
4.Name the parameter(s) that is/are not required to specify completely a monochromatic plane wave in vaccum.
  1. amplitude
  2. frequency
  3. initial phase
  4. state of polarisation
5. Which element is used as a moderator in heterogeneous nuclear reactor?
  1. heavy water
  2. graphite
  3. mercury
  4. uranium
  1. Answer : 1
  2. Answer : 3
  3. Answer : 4
  4. Answer : 4
  5. Answer : 2

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