Friday, April 10, 2015

Important Question for Political Science

Important Question for Political Science

1. Which company was known as the John Company, trading with India?
  1. Dutch East India Company
  2. French East India Company
  3. Portuguese East India Company
  4. English East India Company
Answer: 4

2. Match the following
  1. Legislative Council      - a. Act of 1784
  2. Supreme Court             - b. Act of 1833
  3. Board of Control          - c. Act of 1853
  4. Centralization               - d. Act of 1773
Answer: 1-c,2-d,3-a,4-b

3.The government India Act, 1993 had..
  1. 401 Clauses and 15 Schedules
  2. 431 Clauses and 15 Schedules
  3. 451 Clauses and 15 Schedules
  4. 441 Clauses and 15 Schedules
Answer: 3

4. The idea a constituent assembly to frame a constitution for India was first mooted by?
  1. The Indian National Congress i  1936
  2. M.N.Roy in 1927
  3. The Muslim league in 1942
  4. None of above
Answer: 2

5. Who acted the Chairman of the Drafting committee of the constituent assembly?
  1. Dr.Rajendra Prasad
  2. Dr.Radhakrishnan
  3. Jawaharlal Nehru
  4. Dr.B.R.Ammbedkar
Answer: 4

6.. Who was the Constitutional Advisory to the Constituent Assembly ?
  1. B.N.Rau
  2. Jawaharlal Nehru
  3. Dr.Rajendra Prasad
  4. V.P.Menon
Answer: 1

7. What is correctly described as the Magna Carta of local government in India?
  1. C.R.Formula, 1945
  2. Mountpattern Plan, 1947
  3. Ripon's Resolution,1882
  4. Mantagu's Declaration, 1917
Answer: 3

8. The preamble was proposed before the Drafting committee by whom?
  1. Sardar Patel
  2. Jawaharlal Nehru
  3. B.N.Rau
  4. Dr.B.R.Ammbedkar
Answer: 2

9. Who was the Chairman of the Business Committee?
  1. K.M.Munshi
  2. Jawaharlal Nehru
  3. Dr.Rajendra Prasad
  4. V.P.Menon
Answer: 1

10. Concept of Fundamental Rights took from in which country?
  1. Russia
  2. France
  3. Japan
  4. USA
Answer: 4

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