Friday, March 13, 2015

General Knowledge

General Knowledge

Collection from TNPSC Question
  1. The Bretton Wood Conference of Nations was held in the year - 1944
  2. Which Country does not follow the policy of Judicial Review
  3. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights - Part III
  4. Who appoints the Central Vigilance Commission in India - President
  5. Who is father of taxonomic Botany or Modern Botony - Carolus Lineeacous
  6. Which is readily soluble in water at room temperature - CO2
  7. What is Direct Fertilizer - Super Phosphate
  8. The element used in making lead pencil is -  Carbon
  9. Excretion of glucose is found in which of the condition - Diabetes mellitus
  10. Who propouded the first population theory - Malthus
  11. ANKOR, a great geographical landmark belongs to - Combodia
  12. Which of the following are the members of the solar system besides sun -  Planets, Satellites,     Asteroids & Comets
  13. Where is the space antenna whish send commands to Chandrayan-I located - Byalalu   -Bangalum
  14. Which Country is called Country of Winds - Denmark
  15. In which place did china intrude into Indian border in 2013 - Chumar sector of      Ladakh
  16. Which ecological pyramid is never inverted -  Energy Pyramid
  17. Which state in India generates the maximum amount of wind power - TAmil Nadu
  18. Where did the communist party of India take split - Vishakapatinam
  19. Which Article of the Constitution did the Government of India introduce Bharat  Ratna and Padma Shri Awards - Article-18
  20. Who was the President of the Sate Reoganisation Committee - Fazl Ali

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