Friday, March 13, 2015

Administrative Position in National Institute for the Visually Handicapped, Regional Centre

Department of Disability Affairs
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India
522, Trunk Road, Poonamalle, 
Chennai 600 056, Tamil Nadu

Recruitment for Consolidated

Name of the Post and Age Limit
  1. Adjunct Professor - No age limit
  2. Account Assistant - 35 years
  3. Placement officer - 25 years
  4. Library and Information Assistant - 35 years
  5. Warden - 55 years
  6. Computer Instructor - 25 years
  7. Co-ordinator - 50 years
  8. Handicraft Instructor - 50 years
  9. Computer Instructor (Part time) - 35 years
  10. Khalasi - 40 years
Salary for Consolidated
  1. Adjunct Professor - Rs.50000
  2. Account Assistant - Rs.25000
  3. Placement officer - Rs.16500
  4. Library and Information Assistant - Rs.14000
  5. Warden - Rs.13000
  6. Computer Instructor - Rs.16500
  7. Co-ordinator - Rs.16500
  8. Handicraft Instructor - Rs.13500
  9. Computer Instructor (Part time) - Rs.6050
  10. Khalasi - Rs.7100
Last Date: 30.03.2015

How to Apply: Interested candidates can apply for above post along with full details and copies of certificates send to the following address:
The Regional Director,
NIVH Regional Centre,
522 Truck Road, Poonamalle,
Chennai - 56,
Tamil Nadu.

Reference: Want to more details Please go through the "The Hindu Enlish News Paper" Dated on: 13.03.2015

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