Tuesday, October 24, 2017

TN-Government Aided Junior Assistant, Lab Assistant, Record Clerk Office Assistant and Security Vacancies in N.S.K. Ponnaiya Goundar Higher Secondary School at Theni- October 2017

N.S.K. Ponnaiya Goundar Higher Secondary School
Koodalore- 625 518
Theni District, Tamil Nadu

N.S.K. Ponnaiya Goundar Higher Secondary School are invited for the post of Junior Assistant, Lab Assistant, Record Clerk, Office Assistant and Security Vacancies. Interested candidates should submit their resume before the last date of 01.11.2017

Last Date to Apply: 01.11.2017

Vacancy Details

Name of the Post:
1. Junior Assistant - 01 Post, OC
2. Lab Assistant - 01 Post, OC
3. Record Clerk - 01 Post, OC
4. Office Assistant - 01 Post, OC
5. Office Assistant - 01 Post, SCA
6. Security  - 01 Post, OC

Qualification: SSLC / 10th Pass / 8th Pass

Total Number of Vacancies: 06 Posts

Scale of Pay:
1. Junior Assistant - Rs.5200-20200/- + GP Rs.2400/-
2. Lab Assistant - Rs.5200-20200/- + GP Rs.2400/-
3. Record Clerk  - Rs.4800-10000/- + GP Rs.1400/-
4. Office Assistant  - Rs.4800-10000/- + GP Rs.1300/-
5. Office Assistant  - Rs.4800-10000/- + GP Rs.1300/-
6. Security  - Rs.4800-10000/- + GP Rs.1300/- 

How to Apply: Interested candidates should submit their resume to the following address.
N.S.K. Ponnaiya Goundar Higher Secondary School
Koodalore- 625 518
Theni District, Tamil Nadu

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TN-Government Aided Junior Assistant, Lab Assistant, Record Clerk Office Assistant and Security Vacancies in N.S.K. Ponnaiya Goundar Higher Secondary School at Theni- October 2017
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