Saturday, August 19, 2017

TN-Rathinavel Subramaniam Educational Trust invited for the post of Scientists, SMS, Programme Assistant, Assistant (Office) and Stenographer Vacancies - August 2017

Rathinavel Subramaniam Educational Trust
Trichy Road, Sulur, Coimbatore - 641402
Tamil Nadu.

Tamil Nadu Government Jobs - 2017

Rathinavel Subramaniam Educational Trust are invited for the post of Scientists, SMS, Programme Assistant, Assistant (Office) and Stenographer Vacancies. Interested candidates should apply before the last date of 12.09.2017

Last Date: 12.09.2017

Vacancy Details

Name of the Post: 
1 Senior Scientist and Head - 01 Post, Scale of Pay: Rs. 37400 -67000 + RGP Rs. 9000/-, Qualification: Doctoral degree in Agriculture subject including relevant basic sciences with 8 years experience.
2. SMS (Subject Matter Specialist of Agronomy, Agril. Extension, Home Science, Plant Protection and Animal Science) - 06 Posts, Scale of Pay: Rs. 15600-39100 + RGP Rs. 5400/-, Qualification: Master's degree in the relevant field or equivalent qualifications from a recognized University.
3. Programme Assistant - 03 Posts, Scale of Pay: Rs. 9300 -34800 + GP Rs. 4200/-, Qualification: Bachelor's degree in the relevant field or equivalent qualifications from a recognized University.
4. Assistant (Office) - 01 Post, Scale of Pay: Rs. 9300 -34800 + GP Rs. 4200/-, Qualification: Bachelor's degree from a recognized University with working knowledge of Computers.
5. Stenographer (Grade - III) - 01 Post, Scale of Pay: Rs. 5200 -20200 + GP Rs. 2400/-, Qualification: 12th Class pass or equivalent from Recognized Board/University. Short Hand is must.

Total Vacancies: 11 Posts

Age Limit
(a) for the post of Sr. Scientist & Head, the age should not exceed more than 47 years
(b) for the Post of Subject Matter Specialist the age should not exceed more than 35 years
(c) for the post of Programme Assistant the age should not exceed more than 30 years
(d) for the post of Assistant (Office) / Stenographer the age should be between 18-27 years
(f) The relaxation of age for SC/ST/OBC & PWD can be allowed as per rules 
(g) Local Language is preferable.

How to Apply: Interested candidates should prepare RESUME along with self attested related documents should reach to the following address.
Rathinavel Subramaniam Educational Trust Trichy Road, 
Sulur, Coimbatore - 641402
Tamil Nadu.

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TN-Rathinavel Subramaniam Educational Trust invited for the post of Scientists, SMS, Programme Assistant, Assistant (Office) and Stenographer Vacancies - August 2017
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