Sunday, August 27, 2017

New Rules and Regulation will be followed Upcoming TN-SET Exam.

New Rules and Regulation will be followed Upcoming TN-SET Exam: TN-SET Sources said that up coming TNSET exams will be followed New eligibility criteria as per UGC Norms. 

What is the UGC Eligibility Criteria Norms?
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has made changes in the eligibility criteria of the National Eligibility Test (NET) exam 2017.
It recommended accordingly that no more than 6% candidates be declared to have qualified the NET. This means that if 600,000 candidates appear in UGC-NET in a particular cycle, 6% of those, i.e., 36,000 qualifying slots for eligibility for an assistant professor are to be earmarked for different categories as per the Centre’s policy in this regard.

As per the current reservation policy, a minimum of 27%, 15%, 7.5% and 3% of slots are reserved for the OBCs (belonging to non-creamy layer), SC, ST and persons with disabilities respectively.

The method for allocation of these candidates and the various disciplines will be the same as is now applicable for the UGC junior research fellowship.

Courtesy: Dinamalar

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