CSIR - Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute
GB Marg, Bhavnagar-364002 (Gujarat)
Advertisement No. 2/2017
Applications in prescribed format are invited from Indian Nationals for 10 Posts of Scientist/Senior Scientist. Interested candidates should apply before the last date of 29th September, 2017
With a coastline of about 3,500 miles, inland sources in Rajasthan and Little Rann of Kutch, and the rock salt mines in Mandi, India have possibilities of attaining a high position in salt production among the salt producing countries of the world. As is known, apart from being an indispensable item of food, salt is an important raw material for the manufacture of several heavy chemicals e.g. soda ash, caustic soda and chlorine. Besides, salt is used in food processing industries, such as fish curing, meat packing, dairy products and fruit and vegetable canning.
The last date of receipt of applications is 29-09-2017.
Name of the Post: Scientist/Senior Scientist
Number of Vacancies: 10 Posts
Reservation: 6-UR, 3-OBC, 1-SC
For details, please refer to the advertisement published in our website www.csmcri.org.
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CSMCRI invited for the post of Scientist/Senior Scientist Recruitment - August 2017
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