Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty's Garu Hindu College (DRBCCC HINDU COLLEGE)
Dharmamurthi Nagar, Pattabiram
Chennai- 600072,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Telephone No : 04426850621 / 26850887
(Government Jobs - Assistant Professor)
Application are invited for the post of Assistant Professor for Telugu, History, Corporate Secretaryship, English, Tamil and Commerce Subjects in DRBCCC Hindu College at Chennai. Interested candidates should submit their application form before the last date of 31st Agust, 2017
Last Date to Apply: 31.08.2017
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post: Assistant Professor in following Subjects
1. Telugu - 01 Post (UR)
2. History - 01 Post (SCA)
3. Corporate Secretaryship - 01 Post (MBC/DNC)
4. English - 02 Posts (BC-1, GT(WOMEN)
5. Tamil - 01 Post (SC)
6. Commmerce - 01 Post (MBC/DNC(WOMEN)
Total Number of Vacancies: 7 Posts
Qualification: 55% of marks in the PG Degree in relevant Subjects with UGC-NET/SLET/Ph.D (50% of marks in the subjects for SC/SCA/ST)
Age Limit: No Age Limit
How to Apply: Interested candidates should submit their application form along with following self attested copies of documents reach to the following address.
The Secretary,
Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty's Garu Hindu College (DRBCCC HINDU COLLEGE)
Dharmamurthi Nagar, Pattabiram
Chennai- 600072,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Telephone No : 04426850621 / 26850887
1. SSLC Marksheet
2. HSC Marksheet
3. Degree (UG/PG) Marks and Convocation Certificates
4. Experience Certificate (If have Experience)
5. Community Certificate
6. UGC-NET or SET/SLET Certificate
For more details please refer college official website: http://www.drbccchinducollege.ac.in/
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Assistant Professor Vacancies in DRBCCC Hindu College at Chennai - August 2017
TNPSC Master
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