Indian Council of Medical Research
V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan
P.O. Box No. 4911, Ansari Nagar
New Delhi - 110029, India
V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan
P.O. Box No. 4911, Ansari Nagar
New Delhi - 110029, India
ICMR are invited for the post of Scientists, Programmer, Research Assistant, Attendant and Personal Assistant Vacancies. Interested candidates should apply before the last of 24.08.2017
Last Date to Apply : 24.08.2017
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post:
1. Scientist-II - Unreserved -3 posts, Rs. 51,000/- pm + HRA
2. Scientist-I - Unreserved - 8 posts, Rs. 48,000/-pm + HRA
3. Programmer - 3 posts, One each SC, ST and OBC, Rs. 32,500/- pm
4. Research Assistant - Unreserved - 2 posts,Rs. 31,000/- pm
5. Attendant - OBC & unreserved - 2 posts, Rs. 15,800/- pm
6. Personal Assistant - Unreserved - 1 post,Rs. 32,000/-pm
Number of Vacancies: 19 Posts
Qualification: Refer Notification
Mode of Posting: Temporary Basis
How to Apply: Interested candidates should submit their application form along with Documentary proof of Date of Birth (iii) Experience certificate from previous and current employer (iv) Scanned copy of signature(in JPEG format) and (v) scanned copy of passport size photograph ( in JPEG format) to .
For Official Website: Click Here
For Download Detailed Notification: Click Here
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ICMR Scientists, Programmer, Research Assistant, Attendant and Personal Assistant Recruitment- July 2017
TNPSC Master
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