University Centenary Building,
Chepauk, Chennai-600 005.
Free Education Scheme For Higher Studies - 2017
Free Education: The Free Education Scheme is to assist the students who are unable to pursue their highere ducation in under graduate courses in the Aided/Self-Finance Colleges only affiliated to University of Madras, owing to financial constrain (Tuition fee and Hostel fee only).
Who can Apply to Eligible?: The students residing in Chennai, Thirvallur, and Kancheepuram districts are eligible to apply. The selection will be made on the basis of Economic status cum merit.
The Eligible Candidates will be Selected on the basis of the following conditions:-
1. This scheme is applicable only for students residing in Chennai, Thirvallur, and Kancheepuram
districts and appeared for +2 examination during March 2017
2. The Family income should not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/- P.A.
3. The Family should not own a house or land.
4. The Orphans, Widow’s Children, Transgender, disabled, should obtain 50% of Marks
5. The Candidates should be the First Graduate in the family, should obtain 60% of Marks
6. The Candidates whose mothers have been deserted, should obtain 70% of marks
7. Other candidates who have secured 80% and above marks will be considered on the basis of Economic and Family Circumstances
8. The Candidates should have passed all subjects in first attempt.
9. The last date for submission of application will be 15 days after the publication of the Higher SecondaryExamination Result.
10. The Candidates should produce proof of documentary evidence such as Income Certificate, Community Certificate, First Generation Graduation Certificate issued from the Revenue Department, Ration Card, etc.. failing which the application will summarily be rejected.
11. The Application and other details may be downloaded from the University Website.
Last Date to Apply: The last date for submission of application will be 15 days after the publication of the Higher SecondaryExamination Result.
For Download Detailed Notification and Application Form: Click Here
Who can Apply to Eligible?: The students residing in Chennai, Thirvallur, and Kancheepuram districts are eligible to apply. The selection will be made on the basis of Economic status cum merit.
The Eligible Candidates will be Selected on the basis of the following conditions:-
1. This scheme is applicable only for students residing in Chennai, Thirvallur, and Kancheepuram
districts and appeared for +2 examination during March 2017
2. The Family income should not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/- P.A.
3. The Family should not own a house or land.
4. The Orphans, Widow’s Children, Transgender, disabled, should obtain 50% of Marks
5. The Candidates should be the First Graduate in the family, should obtain 60% of Marks
6. The Candidates whose mothers have been deserted, should obtain 70% of marks
7. Other candidates who have secured 80% and above marks will be considered on the basis of Economic and Family Circumstances
8. The Candidates should have passed all subjects in first attempt.
9. The last date for submission of application will be 15 days after the publication of the Higher SecondaryExamination Result.
10. The Candidates should produce proof of documentary evidence such as Income Certificate, Community Certificate, First Generation Graduation Certificate issued from the Revenue Department, Ration Card, etc.. failing which the application will summarily be rejected.
11. The Application and other details may be downloaded from the University Website.
Last Date to Apply: The last date for submission of application will be 15 days after the publication of the Higher SecondaryExamination Result.
For Download Detailed Notification and Application Form: Click Here
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University of Madras Free Education Scheme for Higher Studies (U.G. Course Only) Notification - 2017
TNPSC Master
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