Chenai - 600025
Tamil Nadu.
Tamil Nadu.
Last Date: 23.04.2017
Short Term Course: Certificate Course on C++ Programming - RCC
Name of the Course: Certificate Course on C++ Programming - RCC (From 02.05.2017 to 30.05.2017)
Course Duration: Two Weeks Certificate Course on C++ Programming”
Eligibility: Minimum X Standard Passed/HSC.
Course Timings: 04.45 p.m. to 08.45 p.m.
Course Fee: (Payment Mode: Demand Draft in favour of “Director, Ramanujan Computing Centre” payable at Chennai)
- Rs. 1,500/- for Higher Secondary School Students (HSC) and
- Rs.2,500/- for University Departments / Constituent College Students
How to Apply
- Registration for the Certificate Course should be done by both filling the details through online mode and using the hardcopy of the attached form or photocopy of the form.
- Registration Form may either be downloaded from the website
- Online registration must be done through the link given below
Hardcopy of the filled in Registration form along with a Demand Draft should be submitted to the following address,
“The Director,
Ramanujan Computing Centre,
College of Engineering, Anna University,
Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai-600 025,
Tamilnadu, India.”
For Certificate Course related queries
- Mail :
- Contact No. : 044-2235 8003/ 8056450055
Important Link:
For Download Notification and Application Form:
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Anna University Certificate Course on C++ Programming Admission - 2017
TNPSC Master
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