Employee's State Insurance Corporation
(Regional Office of Tamil Nadu)
143, Sterling Road, Chennai-600 034
Tamil Nadu.
Last Date: 27.02.2017
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post:
1. Deputy Librarian - 01 Post, Qualification: a) Any PG Degree with MLIS. b) Computer knowledge is essential c) Minimum two years experience as Assistant Librarian. Salary: Rs.15000/- Per month
2. Assistant Librarian - 04 Posts, Qualification: a) Any PG Degree with BLIS. b) Computer knowledge is essential. Salary: Rs.15000/- per month
Number of Vacancies: 06 Posts
Age Limit: 62 years
Mode of Selection: The selection is to be made through personal interview. In case of large number of applications received, ESI Corporation will shortlist the candidates for interview based on some objective criteria.
How to Apply: Interested candidates are requested to send their applications in the prescribed format along with self-certified copies of certificates regarding age, qualification, experience and copy of pension payment order in a closed envelope super-scribing as "Applacation for the post of Deputy Librarlan/Assistant Librarian" so as to reach before 5.00 p.m. on 27.O2.2O17 to the following Address:
The Regional Director,
ESI Corporation,
Regional Office,
143, Sterling Road,
Chennai - 14.
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ESI Chennai Deputy Librarian and Assistant Librarian Recruitment-2017
TNPSC Master
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