Central University of Tamil Nadu
Department of Physics
Thiruvarur– 610005,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Date of Walk-in-Interview: 02.02.2017
Name of the post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
No. of Post : One
Essential Qualifications : M.Sc. in Physics or equivalent with 55% marks with consistently good
academic records. Candidate should have qualified NET/GATE.
Desirable Qualifications : Candidate with knowledge in experimental condensed matter physics will
be preferred.
Project Duration : Initially for 1 year, may be extended subject to availability & release of funds.
Age Limit : 28 (relaxation admissible as per rules of Govt. of India)
Emoluments : Rs. 25,000/- pm (+ HRA)
How to Apply: Candidates fulfilling the above eligibility qualifications are strongly encouraged to appear for a walk-in interview, the details of which are given below.
The candidates should bring the following documents at the time of interview:
1. Filled in application in the format attached, covering letter, detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) along with
valid photographic identity card and passport size photograph.
2. Original and attested photocopies of all documents, certificates, degrees and mark sheets (10th class
onwards). Original and one attested photocopy of GATE score card and/or UGC-CSIR JRF/NET
examination result.
3. Copies of certificates/testimonials/documents which the candidate may wish to bring to the
knowledge of the selection committee
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Central University of Tamil Nadu Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Recruitment-2016. Date of Walk-in-Interview: 02.02.2017
TNPSC Master
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0 comments : Central University of Tamil Nadu Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Recruitment-2016. Date of Walk-in-Interview: 02.02.2017