Kandi - 502 285, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India
Standing Advertisement No. IITH/2013/Faculty/5
Telangana, India
Standing Advertisement No. IITH/2013/Faculty/5
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post: Teaching Post / Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor in following Departments
1. Physics
2. Bio Medical Engineering
3. Biotechnology
4. Chemical Engineering
5. Chemistry
6. Civil Engineering
7. Computer Science & Engineering
8. Design
9. Electrical Engineering
10. Liberal Arts
11. Mathematics
12. Mechanical and Aerospace Engg
13. Material Science & Metallurgical Engineering
Educational Qualification and Age limit: Refer Notification
How to Apply: Interested Candidates should download the application form and filled in application form along with copies of self-attested certificates and other documents must reach by Registered post / Speed post to the The Registrar, IIT Hyderabad, Kandi-502 285, Telangana. Applications are welcome throughout the year and should be sent by e-mail to
For more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply & other information click on the link given below:
2. Notification PDF Link: Click Here
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Teaching Vacancies in IIT Hyderabad November - 2016
TNPSC Master
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