Air Force School
Air Force Station
Jamnagar - 361 003
Last Date:
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post: Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts
TGT in Following Subjects
1. Mathematics
2. English
3 Science
Other Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts
4. HM in Primary
5. HM in Pre Primary
6. PGT in Commerce
7. PRT
8. NTT
9. Lab Attendant
10. MTS (Multi Tasking Staff)
Educational Qualification: Refer Notification
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates should send their application form to the following address.
Ari Force School
Air Force Station
Jamnagar - 361 003
Air Force Station
Jamnagar - 361 003
Last Date:
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post: Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts
TGT in Following Subjects
1. Mathematics
2. English
3 Science
Other Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts
4. HM in Primary
5. HM in Pre Primary
6. PGT in Commerce
7. PRT
8. NTT
9. Lab Attendant
10. MTS (Multi Tasking Staff)
Educational Qualification: Refer Notification
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates should send their application form to the following address.
Ari Force School
Air Force Station
Jamnagar - 361 003
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Air Force School Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts Recruitment-2016
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