Wednesday, July 6, 2016

{ 2000 Vacancy } Indian Army Recruitment Selection - Tamil Nadu. Date of Selection: 19.09.2016 to 31.09.2016

Indian Army Recruitment Selection - Tamil Nadu: Indian Army will be recruit for 2000 vacancy to be filled in the year of 2016 in Tamil Nadu Region. Recruitment selection will be held on Thiruvannamalai. Only attend in particular District candidates should attend the recruitment selection. Full details given below.

Place of Selection: Thiruvannamalai District Play Ground

Date of Selection: 19.09.2016 to 31.09.2016

Total Number of Vacancies: 2000 { Army - 1600 + Technical - 400}

How to Apply: Interested candidates should apply through Online Only. Candidates should apply before the 15 Days of Date of Selection.


Who are attend the Selection: Only in the following 11 District candidates should be attend Selection.
  1. Chennai
  2. Thiruvannamalai
  3. Vellore
  4. Viluppuram
  5. Kadalore
  6. Kanchipuram
  7. Thiruvallur
  8. Puducherry
For more details you may refer Dinamani News: Click Here

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{ 2000 Vacancy } Indian Army Recruitment Selection - Tamil Nadu. Date of Selection: 19.09.2016 to 31.09.2016
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0 comments : { 2000 Vacancy } Indian Army Recruitment Selection - Tamil Nadu. Date of Selection: 19.09.2016 to 31.09.2016