Friday, April 22, 2016

Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts in The Ramco Cements Limited Mylapore, Chennai.

The Ramco Cements Limited
(Ramco Group)
Mylapore, Chennai
Tamil Nadu, India

Category - Private Jobs

Last Date: 29.04.2016

Vacancy Details: Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts

Name of the Post:
  1. K.G Teachers - Degree with P.G Diploma in Pre-School Education Full Time
  2. PRT - Degree with concerned Subjects of B.Ed
  3. PGT / TGT -  P.G.Degree concerned Subjects of B.Ed
  4. Librarian - Degree with Library Science
  5. Arts & Craft - Diploma / Degree in Arts & Crafts
  6. Accountant - Any Degree
Scale of Pay: Attractive Salary will be paid based on Government Scales to the Deserving Candidates

Accommodation will be given for Deserving Candidates

How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates should send their Curriculum Vitae to the following address.

Administrator Education
The Ramco Cements Limited
1st Floor, Auras Corporate Centre,
98-A, Dr Radhakrishnan Road, Mylapore
Chennai- 600 004, Tamil Nadu.

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