ICAR - Central Institute for Cotton Research
Post Bag No.2, Shankar Nagar P.O.,
Nagpur -440 010, Maharashtra.
website: www.cicr.org.in, e-mail: cicrnagpur@gmail.com
F.No. Advt./Estt.1/2015 Dated: 10.12.2015
Last Date: 30 Days from the date of Publication
Name of the Post: Technical Assistant
Sr. No. of the post
of Post , No. of post , Reservation, PB + GP, Place of posting
Technical Assistant, T-3
6 Posts (1 SC +1 ST+1 OBC+3 UR)
Group: Field /Farm Group)
5200-20200 + GP 2800, CICR, Nagpur
E.Q. - Bachelor’s Degree in
Agriculture or any other branch of Science / Social Science relevant to
Agriculture or equivalent qualification from a recognized university.
Technical Assistant, T-3
2 Posts (1 OBC + 1 UR)
Group: Field /Farm Group)
PB 5200-20200 + GP 2800,
Regional Station, Coimbatore
E.Q. - Bachelor’s Degree in
Agriculture or any other branch of Science / Social Science relevant to
Agriculture or equivalent qualification from a recognized university.
Technical Assistant, T-3
2 Post (1 SC +1 OBC)
Group: Field /Farm Group)
PB 5200-20200 + GP 2800,
Regional Station, Sirsa
E.Q. - Bachelor’s Degree in
Agriculture or any other branch of Science / Social Science relevant to
Agriculture or equivalent qualification from a recognized university.
Technician, T-1
8 Posts(2 SC + 1 ST +2 OBC +3 UR)
(Functional Group: Field /Farm Group)
5200-20200 + GP 2000, CICR, Nagpur
E.Q. - Matriculationpass or
equivalent from recognized Board.
Technician, T-1
4 Posts (1 SC+ 1 ST + 1
OBC + 1 UR)
Group: Field /Farm Group)
PB 5200-20200 + GP 2000, CICR Regional Station,
E.Q. - Matriculation pass or
equivalent from recognized Board.
Technician, T-1: 3
Post (1 OBC + 2 UR)
Group: Field /Farm Group)
PB 5200-20200 + GP 2000, CICR Regional Station, Sirsa
E.Q. - Matriculation pass or
equivalent from recognized Board.
knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is desirable for all the above posts.
AGE LIMIT: For all Technical posts18-30 years
Age relaxation:
The upper
age is relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex-Serviceman/Widow-Divorce women as per DoPT guidelines Government of India rules as amended from time to time on
production of valid proof to be attached with the Application.
relaxation is also applicable to Research Associates/ Senior Research Fellows
working in time bound ICAR Research Projects as per ICAR letter
F.No.19(25)/2011-Estt.IV dated 24.01.2012 for Technical Position, Technical
Assistant, T-3 post only to the extent of their spell they were actually
engaged as RAs/SRFs up to a maximum of 16 years 3 months only on production
of valid proof from their respective ICAR Institutes.
No age relaxation is allowed to SC/ST/OBC
candidates applying against unreserved vacancies.
Mode of Apply: Off Line Application
Place of Posting: Nagpur - 14, Coimbatore - 06, Sistra - 05
For more details you may refer the Official Website: Click Here
For Download Application form and Notification Link: Click Here
For Application form of Administrative Officer: Click Here
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Central Institute for Cotton Research Announced Technical Assistant Posts. Last Date: 30 Days from the date of Publication
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0 comments : Central Institute for Cotton Research Announced Technical Assistant Posts. Last Date: 30 Days from the date of Publication