Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited
('Navratna' - A Government of India Enterprise)
Neyveli-607801, Tamilnadu, India.
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post and Vacancies: Trainee in following Categories
Technical Apprenticeship
- Mechanical Engineering - 70
- Electrical Engineering - 60
- Civil Engineering - 20
- Instrumentation - 10
- Chemical Engineering - 10
- Mining Engineering - 10
- Computer Science Engineering - 10
- Electrical & Communication - 10
- Commercial Practice - 10
Graduate Apprenticeship
- Mechanical Engineering - 50
- Electrical Engineering - 50
- Civil Engineering - 15
- Instrumentation - 10
- Chemical Engineering - 10
- Mining Engineering - 10
- Computer Science Engineering - 10
- Electronics & Communication - 10
- Transportation Engineering - 10
How to Apply: Interested candidates should refer the Official Website.
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