Sunday, August 2, 2015

{ Online Quiz } General Studies - 75 for TNPSC Exam

In this Quiz are very useful for TNPSC aspirants and can check their Knowledge then to get chances to success. All the best.

  1. Name of the first Indian woman who presided the session of Indian National Congress?
    1.  Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
    2.  Annie Besant
    3.  Sarojini Naidu
    4.  Aruna Asaf Ali

  2. The resolution of Swadeshi was adopted in which session of the Indian National Congress?
    1.  Bombay
    2.  Chennai
    3.  Banaras
    4.  Calcutta

  3. ________ was mainly responsible for the birth Swaraj Party?
    1.  Citharanjan Das
    2.  Gokhale
    3.  Patel
    4.  Tilak

  4. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
    1.  Simon Commission - C.R.Atlee
    2.  Vedaranyam March - Tiruppur Kumaran
    3.  Cabinet Mission - Lord Mountbatten
    4. Direct Action Day -  Muslim League

  5. The power of Judicial Review in India is ?
    1.  Explicit
    2.  Given by the President
    3.  Given by the Parliament
    4.  Implicit

  6. Right to Information Act, is a?
    1.  Fundamental Right
    2.  Legal Right
    3.  Neither Fundamental or Legal Right
    4.  Both Fundamental or Legal Right

  7. Which part of the emergency provisions is not at all premulgated?
    1.  356
    2.  358
    3.  360
    4.  359

  8. Universal declaration of Human Rights was released on?
    1.  6th December 1948
    2.  6th December 1949
    3.  10th December 1949
    4. 10th December 1948

  9. Right to vote in India is a ?
    1.  Natural Right
    2.  Fundamental Right
    3. Constitutional Right
    4.  Legal Right

  10. Who decides the disputes regarding election of the President?
    1. The Election Commission
    2.  The Parliament
    3.  Both Election Commission and Parliament
    4.  The Supreme Court

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