Name of the first Indian woman who presided the session of Indian National Congress?
- Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
- Annie Besant
- Sarojini Naidu
- Aruna Asaf Ali
The resolution of Swadeshi was adopted in which session of the Indian National Congress?
- Bombay
- Chennai
- Banaras
- Calcutta
________ was mainly responsible for the birth Swaraj Party?
- Citharanjan Das
- Gokhale
- Patel
- Tilak
Which one of the following is correctly matched?
- Simon Commission - C.R.Atlee
- Vedaranyam March - Tiruppur Kumaran
- Cabinet Mission - Lord Mountbatten
Direct Action Day - Muslim League
The power of Judicial Review in India is ?
- Explicit
- Given by the President
- Given by the Parliament
- Implicit
Right to Information Act, is a?
- Fundamental Right
- Legal Right
- Neither Fundamental or Legal Right
- Both Fundamental or Legal Right
Which part of the emergency provisions is not at all premulgated?
- 356
- 358
- 360
- 359
Universal declaration of Human Rights was released on?
- 6th December 1948
- 6th December 1949
- 10th December 1949
10th December 1948
Right to vote in India is a ?
- Natural Right
- Fundamental Right
Constitutional Right
- Legal Right
Who decides the disputes regarding election of the President?
The Election Commission
- The Parliament
- Both Election Commission and Parliament
- The Supreme Court
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0 comments : { Online Quiz } General Studies - 75 for TNPSC Exam