Thursday, June 25, 2015

Teaching and Non-Teaching Vacancy in Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University at Lucknow

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
A Central University
Lucknow - 226 025,
Uttar Pradesh

Advertisement No.-02/BBAU/Teaching/Non-Teaching - 2015

Vacancy Details

Department of Hindi
  1. Professor - 1 (SC)
  2. Associate Professor - 1(SC)
  3. Assistant Professor - 2 (SC-1,OBC-1)
Department of Political Science
  1. Professor - 1 (SC)
Department of Pharmaceutical Science
  1. Associate Professor - 2(SC-1,ST-1)
  2. Assistant Professor - 2 (UR-1,OBC-1)
Department for School of Education
  1. Professor - 2 (UR)
  2. Assistant Professor - 8 (UR-4,SC-1,ST-1,OBC-2)
Department of Applied Chemistry
  1. Professor - 1 (UR)
Department of Applied Mathematics
  1. Associate Professor - 1(ST)
Department of Mass Communication and Journalism
  1. Professor - 1 (ST)
Department of Human Development & Family Studies
  1. Associate Professor - 2 (SC-1,ST-1)
Non-Teaching Jobs
  1. Finance Officer - 1 (UR)
  2. Nurse - 1 (OBC)
  3. Semi Professional Assistant - 1 (UR)
Scale of Pay
  1. Professor:Rs.37400-67000 + AGP 10,500 
  2. Associate Professor: Rs.37,400-67,000 + AGP 9,500 
  3. Assistant Professor: Rs.15,600-39,100 + AGP 8,000 
How to Apply: Interested candidates should apply through online only from the University website: upto 17.07.2015

Last Date for send Hard copy of Application form : 25.07.2015

For more details Click Here University Website

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