Saturday, June 27, 2015

General Studies in Current Affairs Mock Test - 23 - TNPSC,TET,TRB,SSC, RRB,UPSC Exam

  1. Who amongs the following is the chairperson of the newly conducted 'NITI AYOG?
    1.  Finance Minister
    2.  President
    3.  Prime Minister
    4.  Governor of RBI

  2. Which country became the 161st Member of WTO (World Trade Organisation)?
    1.  Turkey
    2.  South Sudan
    3.  Russia
    4.  Seychelles

  3. Which region has become first in the world to declare Rubella?
    1.  America
    2.  Africa
    3.  Australia
    4.  All of the above

  4. Land Boundary Agreement Signed between India and Bangladesh. In Which Amendment allows in our constitution for Land Boundary Agreement?
    1.  116th Amendment
    2.  117th Amendment
    3.  118th Amendment
    4.  119th Amendment

  5. The World Tiger Day observed every year on?
    1.  March - 29
    2.  January - 29
    3.  June - 29
    4.  July - 29

  6. State bank of  India launched a RuPay Platinum debit card in association with NPCI. When it was launched?
    1.  08.06.2015
    2.  07.06.2015
    3.  05.06.2015
    4.  03.06.2015

  7. Where is held for the 16th Asian Banker Summit in 2015?
    1.  Manila
    2.  New Delhi
    3.  Hong Hong
    4.  Singapore

  8. In Samsung company that announced to launch new web browser. What is that name ?
    1.  Sung Sai
    2.  Edge
    3.  Maya 
    4.  None of the above

  9. When it was observed World Population Day?
    1.  19th, July
    2.  10th, August
    3.  11th, July
    4.  None of the above

  10. Which City had the highest vehicle density of India?
    1.  Kolkata
    2.  Mumbai
    3.  Delhi
    4.  Chennai

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