Tuesday, June 23, 2015

General Studies Mock Test - 16 for History TNPSC Exam

  1. Name the one who doesn't subscribe to the Mughal Centric' approach to the downfall of Mughal empire ?
    1.  Athar Ali
    2.  Muzafffar Alam
    3.  Irfan Habib
    4.  None of these above

  2. Who was not associated with the foundation of Non-Alignment Movement?
    1.  President Sukarno
    2.  Jawakarlal Nehru
    3.  Marshal Tito
    4.  Nelson Mandela

  3. Which symbol used in the Revolt of 1857?
    1.  Lotus & Bread
    2.  Lotus & Cow
    3.  Rose & Lamp
    4.  Bird and Sky

  4. Who was the author of 'Hind Swaraj'?
    1.  Prem Chand
    2.  Dayananda Saraswati
    3.  Lal Bahadur Shastri
    4.  Gandhiji

  5. Pick the one Who articulates that there can be no objectivity in History?
    1.  Neo - Colonialists
    2.  Post - Modernists
    3.  Sub - Alternists
    4.  Marxists

  6. Who was the editor of Dinabandhu?
    1.  Dadabai Naoroji
    2.  Manmohan Ghosh
    3.  Tyotiba Phule
    4.  None of the above

  7. Who was the first Indian Governor General of India after Independence?
    1.  William Bentinck
    2.  Lord Macaulay
    3.  Rajaji
    4.  Lord Canning

  8. Which of the following is not a coin?
    1.  Muzaffari
    2.  Muhar 
    3.  Anna
    4.  do dami

  9. Who was the universally acclaimed as the Prince of the Humanists?
    1.  Nelson Mandela
    2.  Gandhiji
    3.  Erasmus
    4.  Gautham Buddha

  10. Where did stupa built by the Sailendras?
    1.  Angkor Vat
    2.  Angkor Thom
    3.  Porbundar
    4.  Borobudur

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