No.4, Sarojini Street,
Chinna Chokkikulam,
Madurai - 625 002,
Tamil Nadu, India.
The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi, the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of bio-medical research, is one of the oldest medical research bodies in the world. Center for Research in Medical Entomology announced for Technical Officer jobs in Pay Scale of Rs.9300-34800+Grade Pay Rs.4600
Advt Number/date: CRME/AO/Rectt.2015 Date:17.04.2015
Last Date: 20.05.2015
Name of the Post: Technical Officer
Number of Posts: 01 OBC
Scale Pay: Rs.9300-34800+Grade Pay Rs.4600 (Pay Band-2)
Educational Qualification: Graduate Degree in Life Science or Zoology with 5 year Experience
Age Limit: 35
Application Fee: Rs.100/- Demand Draft drawn in favour of 'The Director in-charge, CRME,(ICMR), Madurai payable at Madurai
Mode of Selection: Based on Written test and Interview
Mode of Recruitment: Regular
How to Apply: Interested candidates should download the application form from the website link and submit filled application along with Bio-Data and attested copies of all related documents to the following address.
The Director,
Centre for Research in Medical Entomology
No.4, Sarojini Street,
Chinna Chokkikulam,
Madurai - 625 002.
More details: Educational qulalification, experience and age relaxation kindly refer the Institute website given below:
1.Official Website:
2.Advertisement PDF Link: Click Here
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Technical Officer Jobs in Center for Research in Medical Entomology, Tamilnadu
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