Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Non Teaching Jobs in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Uttar Pradesh May-2015

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
Ratapur Chowk
Rae Bareli – 229316
Uttar Pradesh

               The Institute is empowered to award degrees in its own right. RGIPT is co-promoted as an energy domain specific institute by six leading Oil Public Sector Units (ONGC, IOCL, OIL, GAIL, BPCL and HPCL) in association with the Oil Industry Development Board (OIDB). Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology invited for many post like Registrar, Deputy Librarian ,Deputy Registrar (Finance), Assistant Registrar,Junior Superintendent (Accounts) ,Junior Assistant. Interested candidates may apply soon.

Advertisment No.: RGIPT/RBL/NAS/04/2015 India.

Last Date: 03.06.2015

Name of the Post: 
  1. Registrar- 1 (UR-1)  
  2. Deputy Librarian - 1 (UR-1) 
  3. Deputy Registrar (Finance)- 1 (UR-1) 
  4. Assistant Registrar - 1 (SC-1)
  5. Junior Superintendent (Accounts)- 1 (UR-1) 
  6. Junior Assistant- 1 (UR-1) 5
Number of Post: 6

Scale of Pay: 
  1. Registrar -  37400-67000 10000
  2. Deputy Librarian - 15600-39100 8000/-
  3. Deputy Registrar (Finance)- 15600-39100 7600/-
  4. Assistant Registrar - 15600-39100 5400/-
  5. Junior Superintendent (Accounts) - 9300-34800 4200/-
  6. Junior Assistant- 1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000/-
Age Limit, Qualification and Experience Details
  1. Registrar Post, 55 years,Educational Qualification:PG Degree with 15 years experience, Desirable Qualification: A Ph.D degree in any Discipline.
  2. Deputy Librarian Post: 50 years,Educational Qualification:Master Degree in Library Science  with 5 years experience in College Librarian or Assistant University Librarian, Desirable Qualification: A M.Phil or Ph.D degree in Library Science.
  3. Deputy Registrar Post: 50 years,Educational Qualification:Master Degree in Commerce with 10 years experience in one or more areas of Accounting , Auditing etc., 
  4. Assistant Registrar Post: 45 years,Educational Qualification:Master Degree with 8 years experience in one or more areas of Academic, University Administration.
  5. Junior Superentendent (Accounts) Post: 40 years,Educational Qualification: U.G Degree in Commerce with 5 years experience in Accounting m Financial Procedures
  6. Junior Assistant Post: 32 years,Educational Qualification: U.G Degree in any Dicibline with 1 years experience in relevant area.
Application Fee: Rs.200/- (DD issued in the favour of “RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY” payable at RAE BARELI.)

No Fee: SC/ST/PH/Women candidates

How to Apply: Interested candidates should prepare the Application form (Application format available in the Employment News Dated: 9-15 May,2015) and submit all related documents (Self - Attested copies) to the following address.
The Registrar
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
Ratapur Chowk
Rae Bareli – 229316 (UP)

For more details Click Here Official Website

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