Station Workshop EME
Pallavan Salai
Chennai-600 002
Tamil Nadu
Last Date: 21 days from the publication of this advertisement in the Employment News dates 2-8 May 2015
Name of the Post: Multi Tasking Staff in Chowkidar
No. of Post:06
Reservation: UR-4,OBC-2
Reservation: UR-4,OBC-2
Place of work: Chennai
Salary: Rs.5200-20200/- + GP Rs. 1800
Education Qualification: Matriculation
Desirable: Conversant with the duties of Chowkidar with one year's experience
Desirable: Conversant with the duties of Chowkidar with one year's experience
Age: 25 years
Relaxation: As per norms.
How to Apply: Eligible and interested candidates may refer the Employment News dates 2-8 May 2015 for the application format. the filled application along with the necessary documents can be send to the following address:
Station Workshop EME
Pallavan Salai
Chennai-600 002
For more details Kindly refer the Employment News dates 2-8 May 2015
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Muti Tasking Staff in Station Workshop EME, Chennai
TNPSC Master
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