Friday, May 1, 2015

Group II Model Question TNPSC

Important Questions for TNPSC Group II Exam - Push yourself because no one is your substitute

1.Hormones are chemical messenger because of?
a)their exiting action
b)its aliphatic nature
c)its static action
d)None of the above

2.Ethers have?
a)Monopole Movements
b)Dipole Movements
c)Tetrapole Movements
d)None of the above

3.Reasons for energy loses in actual transformer?
a)Jolue Heating
b)Flux Leakage
c)Eddy currents
d)All of the above

4.Name the parameter that is not required to specify completely a monochromatic plane wave in vaccum?
c)Initial phase
d)State of polarization

5.Which element is used as a moderator in heterogeneous nuclear reactor?
a)Heavy Water

6.Which of the following comes under classification of elementary particles?
d)All of the above

7.Name the metal that most commonly used in photo electric cell?

8.Which one of the following is the common name for propanenitrile?
a)Methyl Cyanide
b)Ethyl Cyanide
c)Butyro nitrile
d)Benzo nitrile

9.Which of the following is / are the properties of diamagnetic material ?
a)When these materials are kept in external magnetic field than net magnetic movement is developed inside the material in opposite direction
b)When diamagnetic substances are kept in non uniform external magnetic field then they move from stronger to weaker feel
c)Both the above
d)Non of the above

10.Portland cement is a complex mixture of
a)Dicalcium silicate - 26%
b)Tricalcium silicate - 51%
c)Tricalcium aluminate - 11%
d)All of the above

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