Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Female Secretary Muscat Jobs by Dalsin International Services

Dalsin International Services
(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company)
(Approved by Govt. India Ministry of Overseas indian affairs)
No.136,Linghi Chetti Street, 
2nd Floor,Chennai - 600 001

             Man, machine material-three main constituents of a business have an equal share due to diversified reasons. But as man plays the role of prime move for machine and material, human resources turn to be the most crucial and worth assests for the establishment of growth and prosperity of the organization depends upon the performance of its employees. It is never an exaggeration when we say “ no right manpower no real business” keeping this philosophy in mind, Dalsin International Services, has come forward to offer its services to its clients with extreme reliability, highest degree of expertise and total responsibility. Dalsin International Services announced 05 Female Secretary posts in Muscat.

Position of the Post: Muscat

Name of the Post :  Secretary (Female)

Type of Project: Roads and Infrastructure Projects

Salary: As per Company norm

No. of Post:  05

For more details on eligible,qualification, salary etc candidate may visit the send e-mail or call:

  1. Visit website: www.dalsingroup.com
  2. Call at : 044 -44-42160390, 25263390, 25223390, 25212031(Ext-13)
  3. Mobile : 8056940356
  4. Email : dalsingroup@gmail.com

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