College of Engineering Guindy Campus,
Chennai - 600 025,
Tamil Nadu,
CEG/DMP-TF/2015 Dated 05.05.2015
Name of the Post: Teaching Fellow in Department of Medical Physics
Mode of recruitment : Temporary
Last Date: 12.05.2015.
Education Qualification and Experience: First Class in M.Sc in Physics with M.Phil or Ph.D or M.Sc in Physics with CSIR-NET OR SLET
How to Apply: Eligible and Interested applicants may send their bio-data to the following address by post or E-mail:
The Professor & Head,
Department of Medical Physics,
College of Engineering Guindy ,
Annamalai University
Chennai - 600 025,
Tamilnadu, India
E-mail ID:- or
For further details an eligible and interested applicants for the above said post may go through the following website link:
- Official website: Click Here
- Advertisement PDF Link: Click Here
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Anna University Teaching Jobs May - 2015
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