Thursday, April 30, 2015

TNPSC - Group II Various Post Deputy Commercial Tax Officer, Sub Registrar, Probation Officer In Prison Department ,Assistant Inspector of Labour, Junior Employment Officer,Junior Employment Officer , Special Branch Assistant, Assistant Inspector, Audit Inspector,Supervisor of Industrial Co-operatives,Senior Inspector,Supervisor,Junior Superintendent,Handloom Inspector,Revenue Assistant, Executive Officer, Recruitment 2015

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Frazer Bridge Road
V.O.C.Nagar, Park Town, 
Chennai-600003, Tamil Nadu, INDIA

Advertisement No.411/2015    Dates:30.04.2015            

Notification No:07/2015

TNPSC Announced for  1241 Post in Group II Category for Different Post

Last Date: 29.05.2015

Last Date for Payment of fee:- 01.06.2015

Date of Exam:- 26.07.2015

Name of the Post: 
  1. Deputy Commercial Tax Officer - 08
  2. Sub Registrar, Grde-II - 23
  3. Probation Officer In Prison Department - 02
  4. Assistant Inspector of Labour - 11
  5. Junior Employment Officer (Non-Differently Employment and Training) - 17
  6. Junior Employment Officer (Differently Employment and Training) - 01
  7. Special Assistant - 02
  8. Special Branch Assistant - 06
  9. Assistant Section Officer - 03
  10. Assistant Section  Officer cum Programmer in TNPSC - 04
  11. Assistant Inspector - 78
  12. Audit Inspector  - 28
  13. Supervisor of Industrial Co-operatives - 04
  14. Senior Inspector - 333
  15. Supervisor/Junior Superintendent - 72
  16. Handloom Inspector - 29
  17. Revenue Assistant - 618
  18. Executive Officer Grade - II - 02
Scale of Pay:
  1. Deputy Commercial Tax Officer - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 (Pay Band - 2)
  2. Sub Registrar, Grade-II - - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 (Pay Band - 2)
  3. Probation Officer In Prison Department - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 (Pay Band - 2)
  4. Assistant Inspector of Labour  - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 (Pay Band - 2)
  5. Junior Employment Officer (Non-Differently Employment and Training) -  Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 (Pay Band - 2)
  6. Junior Employment Officer (Differently Employment and Training) -  Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 (Pay Band - 2)
  7. Special Assistant -  Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 (Pay Band - 2)
  8. Special Branch Assistant -  - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 (Pay Band - 2)
  9. Assistant Section Officer - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4600 (Pay Band - 2)
  10. Assistant Section  Officer cum Programmer in TNPSC -  - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4600 (Pay Band - 2)
  11. Assistant Inspector -  - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 (Pay Band - 2)
  12. Audit Inspector  - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 (Pay Band - 2)
  13. Supervisor of Industrial Co-operatives - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 (Pay Band - 2)
  14. Senior Inspector - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 (Pay Band - 2)
  15. Supervisor/Junior Superintendent - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 (Pay Band - 2)
  16. Handloom Inspector - Rs.9300- 34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 (Pay Band - 2)
  17. Revenue Assistant - Rs.5200- 20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800 (Pay Band - 2)
  18. Executive Officer Grade - II  - Rs.5200- 20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 (Pay Band - 2)
Educational Qualification: Any Degree from recognized University or Institution 

Age Limit:

For all posts (Except Probation Officer, Junior Employment Officer (Non- Differently Abled), and Deputy Commercial Tax Officer): 30 years (No Age Limit for SC/ST Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyars), Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes / Denotified Communities, Backward Classes, Backward Classes (Muslims) and Destitute Widows of all castes)

Junior Employment Officer (Differently Abled):- 40 years (No Age Limit for SC/ST Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyars), Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes / Denotified Communities, Backward Classes, Backward Classes (Muslims) and Destitute Widows of all castes)

Scheme of Examination :
  • Preliminary Objective Type
  • Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type)
  • Oral Test
Center of the Examination:- 
1.The Preliminary Examination Center: The Centers will be held on all district mentioned in Annexure – I 

2.The Main Written Examination Center:
  1. Chennai  - 0100
  2. Chidambaram  - 0302
  3. Coimbatore  - 0200
  4. Madurai  - 1000
  5. Salem  - 1701
  6. Thanjavur  - 1901
  7. Tiruchirappalli  - 2501
  8. Tirunelveli  - 2601
Examination Fee:
  • For Preliminary Examination - Rs.125/- + Examination Fee Rs.75/-
  • For Main Written Examination - Rs.100/-
For More Details: Click Here 
TNPSC Website:

Share : TNPSC - Group II Various Post Deputy Commercial Tax Officer, Sub Registrar, Probation Officer In Prison Department ,Assistant Inspector of Labour, Junior Employment Officer,Junior Employment Officer , Special Branch Assistant, Assistant Inspector, Audit Inspector,Supervisor of Industrial Co-operatives,Senior Inspector,Supervisor,Junior Superintendent,Handloom Inspector,Revenue Assistant, Executive Officer, Recruitment 2015

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TNPSC - Group II Various Post Deputy Commercial Tax Officer, Sub Registrar, Probation Officer In Prison Department ,Assistant Inspector of Labour, Junior Employment Officer,Junior Employment Officer , Special Branch Assistant, Assistant Inspector, Audit Inspector,Supervisor of Industrial Co-operatives,Senior Inspector,Supervisor,Junior Superintendent,Handloom Inspector,Revenue Assistant, Executive Officer, Recruitment 2015
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0 comments : TNPSC - Group II Various Post Deputy Commercial Tax Officer, Sub Registrar, Probation Officer In Prison Department ,Assistant Inspector of Labour, Junior Employment Officer,Junior Employment Officer , Special Branch Assistant, Assistant Inspector, Audit Inspector,Supervisor of Industrial Co-operatives,Senior Inspector,Supervisor,Junior Superintendent,Handloom Inspector,Revenue Assistant, Executive Officer, Recruitment 2015