Friday, April 17, 2015

A glance on General Knowledge

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Brush Up Your General knowledge

According to the UN report, India has the largest population of illiterate adults at 287 million (i.e 37 % of the global total). The report also said that the richest young women in India have already achieved universal literacy but the poorest are projected to only do so around 2080.

United States of America

The Mesabi Range has a huge deposit of iron ore in the Minnesota state of United States of America. It is the chief deposit of iron ore in the United States.

Asia and Australia

The Wallace Line is an imaginary boundary that runs between Australia, Asian islands and mainland. This boundary indicates species on both side of the line. We may see and enjoy the west of the line with species or derived from species that are found on the Asian mainland while the amazing part on the east of the line is there are many varied species that of Australian descent. Tasmania is an island state in Australia. This as a part of the Commonwealth of Australia. Island of Tasmania is the 26th largest island in the world. On the other flash of light we can say that India has groups of Islands well named as Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Here the different rulers used to send their presoners for cruel punishments. These punishments in general terms was termed as "Punishment for Kala Pani". In the present days these Islands are the center of tourist attractions.


There stands an Iron Gates is a gorge on the River Danube. It forms part of the boundary between Serbia and Romania.

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