Saturday, April 18, 2015

Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Invited for the Post of Lecturer

Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
Chennai - Bangalore Highway, Beemanthangal,
Sriperumbudur – 602 105, Tamil Nadu. India

Name of the Post: Lecturer

Subject requirements
  1. Social Work
  2. Psychology
  3. Public Administration
  4. Economic
  5. Development Studies
  6. Development Practice
  7. Life Skills
  8. Youth Empowerment
  9. Local Governance
  10. Management
  11. Women / Gender Studies
Salary: Rs.20,000/- Per Month

Educational Qualification: 
  1. Masters Degree in Social Work, Psychology, Public Administration, Economic, Development Studies, Development Practice, Life Skills, Youth Empowerment, Local Governance, Management, Women / Gender Studies and allied subjects may apply.
  2. Candidates should have qualified NET in the relevant subjects whenever applicable. Preference will given to candidates having M.Phil /Ph.D Degrees.
Application Fee: Rs.250/- (Demand Draft drawn in the favour of The Director, RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur, payable at Chennai from any Nationalized Bank). No fee for SC/ST/PWD Candidates

Last Date: 05.05.2015

How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates should be downloaded the application form through the Institute website and may submit their filled application form along with related documents to the following address.
The Registrar
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development,
Sriperumbudur - 602 105,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

For More details please see the following Website Link
1. Institute Website Link:
2. Advertisment PDF Link:
3. Detiail Information Link:
4.Application form Link:

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