ONLINE QUIZ TNPSC Master 4/17/2015 01:44:00 PM 0 Komentar Important thing is not where you are or where you were BUT where you want to get Test your knowledge 1. Library of Tibetan Works and Archives is located at a) Bhopal b)Dharm- ashala c)Nalanda d)Rampur 2. Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle- C16 gained its success on a)20.04.2011 b)15.12.2013 c)13.12.2009 d)17.04.2011 3. During the year 1940, Vinobha Bhave started Individual Satyagragh from a)Guntur, Andhra Pradesh b)Port Blair,Kala Pani c)Pavnar, Maharashtra d) Vikroli, Maharashtra 4. Edaphic is related to a)epicenter b)evaporation c)atoll d)soil 5.Who among the following is the oldest inhabitants of India? a)Mongoloids b)Negritos c)Badga d)Great Nicobari 6. What is the approximate count of villages in India? a)about 7.8 lakhs b)about 18.2 lakhs c)about 3.4 lakhs d)about 11.4 lakhs 7. The smallest (population-wise) Lok Sabha constituency in India is a)Andaman & Nicobar Islands b)Lakshadweep c)Pondicherry d)Daman & Diu 8. Which of the following hormone is not secreted from Hypophysis? a)somatotrophic hormone b)luteinizing hormone c)glucocorticoids hormone d)oxytocin hormone 9. Where is the location of International Plant Genetic Research Institute? a)Italy b)Japan c)Nepal d)America 10. The Indian state with highest forest cover is a)Orissa b)Madhya Pradesh c)Sikkim d)Assam Share : ONLINE QUIZ Facebook Twitter Google Related Posts ONLINE QUIZ var ans = new Array; var done = new Array; var yourAns = new Array; var explainAnswer = new Array; var score = 0;TNPSC - Important Question Quantitative Aptitude !-- Begin // Insert number of questions var numQues = 5; // Insert number of choices in each question var Important Question for Mathematics var ans = new Array; var done = new Array; var yourAns = new Array; var explainAnswer = new Array; var score = 0;Check out your updates with this online Quiz - 88 var ans = new Array; var done = new Array; var yourAns = new Array; var explainAnswer = new Array; var score = 0; ONLINE QUIZ 4/ 5 Oleh TNPSC Master
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