Tuesday, April 21, 2015

National Centre for Cell Science Invited for the post of Consultant

National Centre  for  Cell  Science, 
NCCS Complex, Pune University Campus,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007,

Advertisement  No.  :  Admin/06/2015

Name of the Post and No. of Post: Consultant-01

Salary: Rs.20000  To Rs.35000/- + Conveyance  Rs.1500/- per month

Last Date: 11.05.2015.  

Age limit: 61 Years

Mode of Recruitment: Temporary basis

Experience: The  Candidate should have minimum of 25  years work experience in National Research  Laboratory  (or) National  cell  culture  facility.

How to Apply: Interested and eligible applicants may send their filled-in application to the following address
National Centre  for  Cell  Science, 
NCCS Complex, Pune University Campus,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007,

For more details on educational qualifications, experiences, age, general instructions, application format etc for the post of Consultant, an applicants may go through the following links
1. Official website: http://www.nccs.res.in
2. Advertisement PDF link: http://nccs.res.in/download-docs/consultant010415.pdf

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