Maulana Azad National Urdu Univesity
(A Central University established by an Act of Parliament in 1998)
Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032
Employement Notification No.36/2015 Dated: 05.04.2015
Subject Disibline Area
Islamic Studies-1
Social Work-1
Mass Communication & Journalism-2
Women Education-1
Civil Engineering (Polytechnic)-2
Electronics & Communication Engineering (Polytechnic) -1
Scale of Pay: Rs 15600-39100 + AGP 6000
Last Date: 24.04.2015
Application Fee: Rs.500/- (Demand Draft drawn in favour of Maulana Azad ational Urdu University, Hyderabad, on any Nationalized Bank payable at Hyderabad.No fee for SC/ST and Women Candidates.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates should be downloaded the application form from the Institute website link below and filled application send to the following address
Deputy Registrar,
ER-I Section,
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032
For more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply & other information click on the link given below:
1. University Website Link:
2. Advertisement PDF Link:
3.Information booklet PDF:
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Maulana Azad National Urdu Univesity Invited for the Post of Assistant Professor
TNPSC Master
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