Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Indian Agricultural Research Institute Invited for the Post of Technical Assistant in Library Science

ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Pusa, New Delhi-110 012,

Advertisement No.1-1/2015-Rectt.Cell/Technical

Name of the Post and Number of Post
  1. Sr.Technical Officer - 02
  2. Technical Assistant (Field/Farm Technician) - 26
  3. Technical Assistant (Library Science) - 02
  4. Field Man (Field / Farm Technician) - 07
  5. Library Assistant - 02
  6. Fitter - 01
  1. Sr.Technical Officer - 02 (UR-01, OBC-01)
  2. Technical Assistant (Field/Farm Technician) - 26 (UR-13, OBC -07, OBC -07,ST-02)
  3. Technical Assistant (Library Science) - 02 (UR-01, OBC-01)
  4. Field Man (Field / Farm Technician) - 07 (UR -03 OBC- 02 ST – 01 SC – 01)
  5. Library Assistant - 02 (UR-01, OBC-01)
  6. Fitter - 01 (UR-01)
Pay of Scale and Age Limit
  1. Sr.Technical Officer - Rs.15600-39100 Grade pay 5400 - 35 years
  2. Technical Assistant (Field/Farm Technician) - Rs.5200-20200+Grade Pay 2800 - 30    years
  3. Technical Assistant (Library Science) - Rs.5200-20200+Grade Pay 2800 - 30 years   
  4. Field Man (Field / Farm Technician) - Rs. 5200 – 20200+ Grade Pay 2000 - 30 years
  5. Library Assistant - Rs. 5200 – 20200+ Grade Pay 2000- 30 years
  6. Fitter - Rs. 5200 – 20200+ Grade Pay 2000- 30 years
Educational Qualification:
  1. Sr.Technical Officer: Master’s degree in Agriculture or any other branch of Science/Social Science relevant to Agriculture or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.
  2. Technical Assistant (Field/Farm Technician): Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or any other branch of Science/Social Science relevant to Agriculture or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.
  3. Technical Assistant (Library Science): Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science/Library & Information Science or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.
  4. Field Man: Matriculate with at least one year certificate in Agriculture from recognized Institutions
  5. Library Assistant: Matriculate with at least one year certificate in Library science/Library & Information Science from recognized Institutions.
  6. Fitter: Matriculate with at least one year trade certificate in Fitter from recognized Institutions
Age Relaxation: 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC and 10 years for PWD Candidates.

Mode of Recruitment: Temporary but Likely to be continue

More of Selection: Based on Written Test and Interview

Application Fee:
  • Rs.750/- Bank Draft of drawn in favour of Director, I.A.R.I. payable at New Delhi.
  • No Fee for SC/ST, Women and Physically Handicapped candidates
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible Candidates should be downloaded the application form through the Institute Website link and may submit their filled application form along with all related documents to the following address.
Senior Administrative Officer (Recruitment Cell),
Room No. 13,Director’s Office,
IARI, Pusa,
New Delhi-110 012.

Last Date:  30 Days from the date of publication

For More Details:
1.Institute Website Link: http://www.iari.res.in/
2.Advertisement and Application Form PDF Link : http://www.iari.res.in/files/Recruitment_Cell/IARI_Recruitment_T6T3T1-17042015.pdf

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